Passed : Modern address (IPv6)

Well done! Your website is reachable for visitors using a modern internet address (IPv6), making it fully part of the modern Internet.

Name servers


Two or more name servers of your domain have an IPv6 address.

Technical details:

Name server IPv6 address IPv4 address 2a01:4f8:c17:6a6e::2 2a01:4f8:c17:5f0a::2 2a01:4f8:13b:3146::2

Test explanation:

We check if your domain name has at least two name servers with an IPv6 address. This is consistent with the technical requirement of SIDN (.nl TLD registry) that each .nl domain must have at least two name servers.


All name servers that have an IPv6 address are reachable over IPv6.

Test explanation:

We check if all name servers, that have an AAAA record with IPv6 adress, are reachable over IPv6.
Web server


At least one of your web servers has an IPv6 address.

Technical details:

Web server IPv6 address IPv4 address 2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2

Test explanation:

We check if there is at least one AAAA record with IPv6 address for your web server.


All your web servers with an IPv6 address are reachable over IPv6.

Test explanation:

We check if we can connect to your web server(s) over IPv6 on any available ports (80 and/or 443). We test all IPv6 addresses that we receive from your name servers. A partial score will be given if not all IPv6 addresses are reachable. If an IPv6 address is (syntactically) invalid, we consider it unreachable.


Your website on IPv6 seems to be the same as your website on IPv4.

Test explanation:

We compare the web content that we receive from your web server over both IPv6 and IPv4 on any available ports (80 and/or 443). In case there are multiple IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, we pick one IPv6 address and one IPv4 address. If the content difference is not higher than 10%, we expect the main web content to be the same. Therefore websites with small differences (for example due to changing ads) will pass this subtest as well.

Passed : Signed domain name (DNSSEC)

Well done! Your domain is signed with a valid signature (DNSSEC). Therefore visitors with enabled domain signature validation, are protected against manipulated translation from your domain into rogue internet addresses.


Your domain is DNSSEC signed.

Technical details:

Domain Registrar None

Test explanation:

We check if your domain is DNSSEC signed.

If a domain redirects to another domain via CNAME, then we also check if the CNAME domain is signed (which is conformant with the DNSSEC standard). If the CNAME domain is not signed, the result of this subtest will be negative.

Note: the validity of the signature is not part of this subtest, but part of the next subtest.


Your domain is secure, because its DNSSEC signature is valid.

Technical details:

Domain Status secure

Test explanation:

We check if your domain is signed with a valid signature making it 'secure'.

If a domain redirects to another signed domain via CNAME, then we also check if the signature of the CNAME domain is valid (which is conformant with the DNSSEC standard). If the signature of the CNAME domain is not valid, the result of this subtest will be negative.

Passed : Secure connection (HTTPS)

Well done! The connection with your website is sufficiently secured (HTTPS). Therefore information in transit between your website and its visitors is protected against eavesdropping and tampering.



Your website offers HTTPS.

Technical details:

Web server IP address HTTPS existent
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 yes yes

Test explanation:

We check if your website is reachable on HTTPS.

If so, we also check in the below subtests whether HTTPS is configured sufficiently secure in conformance with the 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL.

HTTPS guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of the exchanged information. Because it is situation depended how (privacy) sensitive and valuable information is, a secure HTTPS configuration is important for every website. Even trivial, public information could be extremely sensitive and valuable for a user. Note: for performance reasons the HTTPS test section only runs for the first available IPv6 and IPv4 address.


Your web server automatically redirects visitors from HTTP to HTTPS on the same domain.

Technical details:

Web server IP address HTTPS redirect
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 yes yes

Test explanation:

We check if your web server automatically redirects vistors from HTTP to HTTPS on the same domain (through a 301/302 redirect), or if it offers support for only HTTPS and not for HTTP.

In case of redirecting, a domain should firstly upgrade itself by redirecting to its HTTPS version before it may redirect to another domain. This also ensures that the HSTS policy will be accepted by the web browser. Examples of correct redirect order:

  • http://example.comhttps://example.com
  • http://www.example.com

You must contact the web server administrator for the domain for changes in HTTPS redirection.


Your web server does not support HTTP compression.

Technical details:

Web server IP address HTTP compression
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 no no

Test explanation:

We test if your web server supports HTTP compression.

HTTP compression makes the secure connection with your webserver vulnerable for the BREACH attack. However HTTP compression is commonly used to make more efficient use of available bandwidth. Consider the trade-offs involved with HTTP compression. If you choose to use HTTP compression, verify if it is possible to mitigate related attacks at the application level. An example of such a measure is limiting the extent to which an attacker can influence the response of a server.

This subtest checks if the web server on root directory level supports HTTP compression. However it does not check additional website sources like images and scripts.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B7-1 and table 11.

Requirement level: Optional


Your web server offers an HSTS policy.

Technical details:

Web server IP address HSTS policy
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports HSTS.

Browsers remember HSTS per (sub) domain. Not adding a HSTS header to every (sub) domain (in a redirect chain) might leave users vulnerable to MITM attacks. Therefore we check for HSTS on the first contact i.e. before any redirect.

HSTS forces a web browser to connect directly via HTTPS when revisiting your website. This helps preventing man-in-the-middle attacks. We consider a HSTS cache validity period (max-age) of at least six months to be sufficiently secure. A long period is beneficial because it also protects infrequent visitors. However if you want to stop supporting HTTPS, you will have to wait longer until the validity of the HSTS policy in all browsers that vistited your website, has expired.



Your web server supports secure TLS versions only.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Affected TLS version
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports secure TLS versions only.

A web server may support more than one TLS version.

Note: Browser makers have announced that they will stop supporting TLS 1.1 and 1.0 by Q1 2020. This will cause websites that do not support TLS 1.2 and/or 1.3 to be unreachable.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS) v2.0' from NCSC-NL, guideline B1-1 and table 1 (in English).

  • Good: TLS 1.3 and 1.2
  • Phase out: TLS 1.1 and 1.0
  • Insufficient: SSL 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0


Your web server supports secure ciphers only.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Affected ciphers
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports secure ciphers (algorithm selections) only.

An algorithm selection consists of ciphers for four cryptographic functions: 1) key exchange, 2) certificate verification, 3) bulk encryption, and 4) hashing. A web server may support more than one algorithm selection.

  • Since TLS 1.3, the term 'cipher suite' only comprises ciphers used for bulk encryption and hashing. When using TLS 1.3 the ciphers for key exchange and certificate verification are negotiable and not part of the naming of the cipher suite. Because this makes the term 'cipher suite' ambiguous, NCSC-NL uses the term 'algorithm selection' to comprise all four cipher functions.

  • NCSC-NL uses the IANA naming convention for algorithm selections. uses the OpenSSL naming convention. Since TLS 1.3 OpenSSL follows the IANA naming convention. A translation between both can be found in the OpenSSL documentation.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B2-1 to B2-4 and table 2, 4, 6 and 7 (in English).

Below you find 'Good', 'Sufficient' and 'Phase out' algorithm selections in the by NCSC-NL prescibed order, based on appendix C of the 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)'. Behind every algorithm selection is the minimum TLS version (e.g. [1.2]) that supports this algorithm selection and that is at least 'Phase out'.


  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 in 1.3) [1.2]
  • ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 (TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 in 1.3) [1.2]
  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 in 1.3) [1.2]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 in 1.3) [1.2]
  • ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 (TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 in 1.3) [1.2]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 in 1.3) [1.2]


  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384 [1.2]
  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA [1.0]
  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256 [1.2]
  • ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA [1.0]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 [1.2]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA [1.0]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 [1.2]
  • ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA [1.0]
  • DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 [1.2]
  • DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 [1.2]
  • DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 [1.2]
  • DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 [1.2]
  • DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA [1.0]
  • DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 [1.2]
  • DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA [1.0]

Phase out:

  • DHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA [1.0]
  • AES256-GCM-SHA384 [1.2]
  • AES128-GCM-SHA256 [1.2]
  • AES256-SHA256 [1.2]
  • AES256-SHA [1.0]
  • AES128-SHA256 [1.2]
  • AES128-SHA [1.0]
  • DES-CBC3-SHA [1.0]


This subtest is not applicable as your web server supports 'Good' ciphers only.

Technical details:

Web server IP address First found affected cipher pair
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if your web server enforces its own cipher preference ('I'), and offers ciphers in accordance with the prescribed ordering ('II').

If your web server supports 'Good' ciphers only, this test is not applicable as the ordering has no significant security advantage.

I. Server enforced cipher preference: The web server enforces its own cipher preference while negotiating with a web browser, and does not accept any preference of the web browser. (requirement level: Required);

II. Prescribed ordering: Ciphers are offered by the web server in accordance with the below prescribed order in which safe and fast ciphers are preferred.

A. Prefer 'Good' over 'Sufficient' over 'Phase out' ciphers (requirement level: Required);

B. Within a particular security level, proceed as follows:

  1. Ciphers that perform key exchange based on elliptic curves are preferred over those that use finite fields. Both are preferred over ciphers that use a static key exchange (requirement level: Recommended);
  2. Ciphers that do bulk encryption based on AEAD algorithms are preferred over alternatives (requirement level: Recommended);
  3. Ciphers that do certificate verification based on ECDSA are preferred over RSA (requirement level: Recommended);
  4. Ciphers are preferred in descending order of their key length and then hash size (requirement level: Recommended);
  5. AES-256 is preferred over ChaCha20 (requirement level: Optional).

In the above table with technical details only the first found out of prescribed order algorithm selections are listed, with the violated prescribed ordering rule shown next to it.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B2-5.


Your web server supports secure parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Affected parameters
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if the public parameters used in Diffie-Hellman key exchange by your web server are secure.

The security of elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) ephemeral key exchange depends on the used elliptic curve. We check if the bit-length of the used elliptic curves is a least 224 bits. Currently we are not able to check the elliptic curve name.

The security of Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (DHE) key exchange depends on the lengths of the public and secret keys used within the chosen finite field group. We test if your DHE public key material uses one of the predefined finite field groups that are specified in RFC 7919. Self-generated groups are 'Insufficient'.

The larger key sizes required for the use of DHE come with a performance penalty. Carefully evaluate and use ECDHE instead of DHE if you can.

Besides ECDHE and DHE, RSA can be used for key exchange. However, it is at risk of becoming insufficiently secure (current status 'phase out'). The RSA public parameters are tested in the subtest 'Public key of certificate'. Note that RSA is considered as 'good' for certificate verification.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B5-1 and table 9 for ECDHE, and guideline B6-1 and table 10 for DHE (in English).

Elliptic curve for ECDHE

  • Good: secp384r1, secp256r1, x448, and x25519
  • Phase out: secp224r1
  • Insufficient: Other curves

Finite field group for DHE


  • ffdhe4096 (RFC 7919)
    sha256 checksum: 64852d6890ff9e62eecd1ee89c72af9af244dfef5b853bcedea3dfd7aade22b3

  • ffdhe3072 (RFC 7919)
    sha256 checksum: c410cc9c4fd85d2c109f7ebe5930ca5304a52927c0ebcb1a11c5cf6b2386bbab

Phase out:

  • ffdhe2048 (RFC 7919)
    sha256 checksum: 9ba6429597aeed2d8617a7705b56e96d044f64b07971659382e426675105654b

Insufficient: Other groups


Your web server supports a secure hash function for key exchange.

Technical details:

Web server IP address SHA2 support for signatures
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 yes yes

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports secure hash functions to create the digital signature during key exchange.

The web server uses a digital signature during the key exchange to prove ownership of the secret key corresponding to the certificate. The web server creates this digital signature by signing the output of a hash function.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, table 5.

Requirement level: Recommended

SHA2 support for signatures

  • Good: Yes (SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 supported)
  • Phase out: No (SHA-256, SHA-384 of SHA-512 not supported)


Your web server does not support TLS compression.

Technical details:

Web server IP address TLS compression
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 no no

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports TLS compression.

The use of compression can give an attacker information about the secret parts of encrypted communication. An attacker that can determine or control parts of the data sent can reconstruct the original data by performing a large number of requests. TLS compression is used so rarely that disabling it is generally not a problem.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B7-1 and table 11 (in English).


Your web server supports secure renegotiation.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Secure renegotiation
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 yes yes

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports secure renegotiaton.

Older versions of TLS (prior to TLS 1.3) allow forcing a new handshake. This so-called renegotiation was insecure in its original design. The standard was repaired and a safer renegotiation mechanism was added. The old version is since called insecure renegotiation and should be disabled.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B8-1 and table 12 (in English).


Your web server does not allow for client-initiated renegotiation.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Client-initiated renegotiation
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 no no

Test explanation:

We check if a client (usually a web browser) can initiate a renegotiation with your web server.

Allowing clients to initiate renegotiation is generally not necessary and opens a web server to DoS attacks inside a TLS connection. An attacker can perform similar DoS-attacks without client-initiated renegotiation by opening many parallel TLS connections, but these are easier to detect and defend against using standard mitigations. Note that client-initiated renegotiation impacts availability and not confidentiality.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B8-1 and table 13 (in English).


Your web server does not support 0-RTT.

Technical details:

Web server IP address 0-RTT
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 no no

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT).

0-RTT is an option in TLS 1.3 that transports application data during the first handshake message. 0-RTT does not provide protection against replay attacks at the TLS layer and therefore should be disabled. Although the risk can be mitigated by not allowing 0-RTT for non-idempotent requests, such a configuration is often not trivial, reliant on application logic and thus error prone.

If your web server does not support TLS 1.3, the test is not applicable. For web servers that support TLS 1.3, the index / page of the website is fetched using TLS 1.3 and the amount of early data support indicated by the server is checked. When more than zero, a second connection is made re-using the TLS session details of the first connection but sending the HTTP request before the TLS handshake (i.e. no round trips (0-RTT) needed before application data to the server). If the TLS handshake is completed and the web server responds with any non-HTTP 425 Too Early response, then the web server is considered to support 0-RTT.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B9-1 and table 14 (in English).


Your web server supports OCSP stapling and the data in the response is valid.

Technical details:

Web server IP address OCSP stapling
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 yes yes

Test explanation:

We check if your web server supports the TLS Certificate Status extension also known as OCSP stapling.

The web browser can verify the validity of the certificate presented by the web server by contacting the certificate authority using the OCSP protocol. OCSP provides a certificate authority with information on browsers communicating to the web server: this may be a privacy risk. A web server can also provide OCSP responses to web browsers itself through OCSP stapling. This solves this privacy risk, does not require connectivity between web browser and certificate authority, and is faster.

When connecting to your web server we use the TLS Certificate Status extension to request OCSP data be included in the server response. If your web server includes OCSP data in the response we then verify that the OCSP data is valid i.e. correctly signed by a known certificate authority. Note: we do not use the OCSP data to evaluate the validity of the certificate.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, table 15 (in English).

OCSP stapling

  • Good: On
  • Sufficient: Off


The trust chain of your website certificate is complete and signed by a trusted root certificate authority.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Untrusted certificate chain
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if we are able to build a valid chain of trust for your website certificate.

For a valid chain of trust, your certificate must be published by a publicly trusted certificate authority, and your web server must present all necessary intermediate certificates.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, guideline B3-4 (in English).


The digital signature of your website certificate uses secure parameters.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Affected signature parameters
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if the (ECDSA or RSA) digital signature of your website certificate uses secure parameters.

The verification of certificates makes use of digital signatures. To guarantee the authenticity of a connection, a trustworthy algorithm for certificate verification must be used. The algorithm that is used to sign a certificate is selected by its supplier. The certificate specifies the algorithm for digital signatures that is used by its owner during the key exchange. It is possible to configure multiple certificates to support more than one algorithm.

The security of ECDSA digital signatures depends on the chosen curve. The security of RSA for encryption and digital signatures is tied to the key length of the public key.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS) v2.0' from NCSC-NL, guideline B5-1 and table 9 for ECDSA, and guideline B3-3 and table 8 for RSA (in English).

Elliptic curves for ECDSA

  • Good: secp384r1, secp256r1, x448, and x25519
  • Phase out: secp224r1
  • Insufficient: Other curves

Length of RSA-keys

  • Good: At least 3072 bit
  • Sufficient: 2048 – 3071 bit
  • Insufficient: Less than 2048 bit


Your website certificate is signed using a secure hash algorithm.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Affected hash algorithm
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if the signed fingerprint of the website certificate was created with a secure hashing algorithm.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS) v2.0' from NCSC-NL, guideline B3-2 and table 3 (in English).

Hash functions for certificate verification

  • Good: SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-256
  • Insufficient: SHA-1, MD5


The domain name of your website matches the domain name on your website certificate.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Unmatched domains on certificate
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 None None

Test explanation:

We check if the domain name of your website matches the domain name on the certificate.

It could be useful to include more than one domain (e.g. the domain with and without www) as Subject Alternative Name on the certificate.

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS) v2.0' from NCSC-NL, guideline B3-1 (in English).



Your website domain does not contain a TLSA record for DANE.

Technical details:

Web server IP address DANE TLSA record existent
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 no no

Test explanation:

We check if the name servers of your website domain contain a correcly signed TLSA record for DANE.

As DNSSEC is preconditional for DANE, this test will fail in case DNSSEC is missing on the website domain, or if there are DANE related DNSSEC issues (e.g. no proof of 'Denial of Existence').

See 'IT Security Guidelines for Transport Layer Security (TLS)' from NCSC-NL, Appendix A, under 'Certificate pinning and DANE' (in English).

Requirement level: Optional


This subtest did not run, because either a parent test that this subtest depends on gave a negative result, or not enough information was available to run this subtest.

Technical details:

Web server IP address DANE TLSA record valid
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 not tested not tested

Test explanation:

We check if the DANE fingerprint presented by your domain is valid for your web certificate.

DANE allows you to publish information about your website certificate in a special DNS record, called TLSA record. Clients, like web browsers, can check the authenticity of your certificate not only through the certificate authority but also through the TLSA record. A client can also use the TLSA record as a signal to only use HTTPS (and not HTTP). DNSSEC is preconditional for DANE. Unfortunately not much web browsers are supporting DANE validation yet.

Requirement level: Recommended (only if subtest for 'DANE existence' is passed)

Passed : Security options

Well done! All application security options are set for your website (Security options). With these options you can activate browser mechanisms to protect visitors against attacks with e.g. cross-site scripting (XSS) or framing. Note that we consider HTTPS as a requirement for this test category, and that these security options are not relevant for domains that redirect (through 301/302 redirect).

HTTP security headers


Your web server offers securely configured X-Frame-Options.

Technical details:

Web server IP address X-Frame-Options value
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 sameorigin sameorigin

Test explanation:

We check if your web server provides an HTTP header for X-Frame-Options that has a sufficiently secure configuration. With this HTTP header you let web browsers know whether you want to allow your website to be framed or not. Prevention of framing defends visitors against attacks like clickjacking. We consider the following values to be sufficiently secure:

  • DENY (framing not allowed);
  • SAMEORIGIN (only framing by your own website allowed); or
  • ALLOW-FROM (only allow specific websites to frame your website).

Content-Security-Policy (CSP) offers similar protection and much more for visitors with modern web browsers. However X-Frame-Options could still protect visitors of older web browsers that do not support CSP. Furthermore X-Frame-Options could offer valueable protection for all visitors when CSP is not (properly) configured for the website concerned.

Also see 'Web application guidelines from NCSC-NL', guideline U/PW.03 (in Dutch).

Requirement level: Recommended


Your web server offers X-Content-Type-Options.

Technical details:

Web server IP address X-Content-Type value
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 nosniff nosniff

Test explanation:

We check if your web server provides an HTTP header for X-Content-Type. With this HTTP header you let web browsers know that they must not do 'MIME type sniffing' and always follow the Content-Type as declared by your web server. The only valid value for this HTTP header is nosniff. When enabled, a browser will block requests for style and script when they do not have a corresponding Content-Type (i.e. text/css or a 'JavaScript MIME type' like application/javascript).

'MIME type sniffing' is a technique where the browser scans the content of a file to detect the format of a file regardless of the declared Content-Type by the web server. This technique is vulnerable to the so-called 'MIME confusion attack' in which the attacker manipulates the content of a file in a way that it is treated by the browser as a different Content-Type, like an executable.

Requirement level: Recommended


Your web server offers Content-Security-Policy (CSP).

Technical details:

Web server IP address CSP value
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 upgrade-insecure-requests; upgrade-insecure-requests;

Test explanation:

We check if your web server provides an HTTP header for Content-Security-Policy (CSP). CSP protects a website against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. By whitelisting sources of approved content with CSP, you prevent browsers from loading malicious content of attackers. Currently we do not evaluate the effectivenes of the CSP configuration. However we suggest to:

  • use the HTTP header for Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only to experiment with CSP policies by monitoring their effects without enforcing these effects;
  • use frame-ancestors to prevent the webpage from being loaded into a frame;
  • set a policy with default-src in order to have a fallback for other resource types when they do not have their own policy;
  • sparingly use unsafe-inline and data:, because they enable XSS attacks;
  • use https:// when a URL is used to refer to a source.

Also see 'Web application guidelines from NCSC-NL', guideline U/PW.03 (in Dutch).

Requirement level: Optional


Your web server offers Referrer-Policy.

Technical details:

Web server IP address Referrer-Policy value
2a01:4f8:241:1f8f::2 same-origin same-origin

Test explanation:

We check if your web server provides an HTTP header for Referrer-Policy. With this HTTP header you let browsers know which referrer information, that is sent in the Referer header, should be part of the website request. The Referer header contains the address of the previous web page from which the visitor followed a link to the requested page.

The information in the Referer header is mostly used for analytics and logging. However there can be privacy and security risks. The information could be used e.g. for user tracking and the information could leak to third parties who eavesdrop the connection. With the HTTP header for Referrer-Policy you can mitigate these risks.

Currently we do not evaluate the effectivenes of the configured Referrer-Policy value. However we suggest to make an informed decision, with privacy and security risks in mind, on using one of the policy values from the first two categories below.

Recommended policy values:

  1. No sensitive data to third parties

    • no-referrer
    • same-origin
  2. Sensitive data to third parties only via secure connections (HTTPS)

    • strict-origin
    • strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Not recommended policy values:

  1. Sensitive data to third parties possibly via insecure connections (HTTP)
    • no-referrer-when-downgrade (browsers' default policy)
    • origin-when-cross-origin
    • origin
    • unsafe-url

Requirement level: Recommended